A Letter From the Secretary-General

Dear Delegates, Faculty Advisors, Staff, and Partners,

I am delighted to extend a warm invitation to you for the sixth iteration of the Concordia Model United Nations Conference. Situated in the captivating city of Montreal, CONMUN 2024 promises to be an unforgettable experience filled with engaging debates, the opportunity to forge international connections, and an unparalleled atmosphere of friendly competition.

At CONMUN, we are proud to present an extensive array of committees that transcend both borders and time periods, ensuring that delegates can discover the perfect fit for their interests and preferred style of debate. Our committee selection is carefully curated, featuring two Regional Bodies, two Hybrid Committees, and six Traditional Crisis committees. These diverse committees will transport delegates on a journey across the globe and throughout various time eras, ranging from Ancient Rome to contemporary times.

However, CONMUN encompasses far more than debates and discussions within committees. It serves as a platform for delegates to build lasting friendships and establish meaningful connections with individuals from diverse backgrounds. These relationships extend well beyond the four days of the conference, as we come together to create a dynamic and inclusive community.

We are confident that CONMUN 2024 will be an impactful conference, and the Secretariat is fully committed to ensuring a remarkable experience for you and your delegation. Whether you’re attending CONMUN for the first time, or have been part of our journey from the beginning, we are excited to have you on board. The countdown to CONMUN 2024 has already begun, and we are filled with excitement as we eagerly anticipate your arrival in Montreal this coming March.


Annabel Zecchel

Concordia Model United Nations, 2024